Common Health Issues For New Mothers

New moms may think they are ready to tackle anything once they’re at home with their sweet baby. After all, they have been through nine months of ups and downs, difficult sleeping, and morning sickness. Now that they have given birth, it should be smooth sailing, right? 

There are some common health issues for new mothers, so it’s best to be prepared both physically and emotionally to handle what may come next.


As a new mother’s hormones begin to fluctuate after birth, and estrogen levels increase, sweating can be an issue, especially at night. As long as this is not accompanied by a fever, there is no worry about infection.

Hair loss can occur as well, but this is only temporary. Once hormones level off, hair density and fullness will return.


Expect pain and discomfort in a few areas of the body.


70-80% of women feel sad during the first few weeks after giving birth. This feeling can be caused by hormones and exhaustion. The feeding schedule, lack of adequate sleep, and anxiety can all result in moodiness and crying for no apparent reason. It may take two to three months to recover from the exhaustion.

Use the support of family and friends to help so you can get enough rest. Should this develop into the extreme, talk to the OBGYN’s at Atlanta Obstetrics & Gynecology about postpartum depression.


If any of these health issues get worse instead of better with time, talk to your doctor:


Postpartum recovery has its challenges, but all of these health issues are temporary. In the meantime, get enough rest, eat healthy, drink lots of water and don’t overdo. Don’t lift anything heavier than your baby for a while, and certainly don’t ignore your own health during this time.

Give your body time to heal and above all, enjoy and cherish your little miracle!

If you have questions or concerns about any postpartum health issue, don’t hesitate to call your Atlanta Obstetrics & Gynecology at (404) 355-0320, or request an appointment today. 


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